Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Lose It To Save It


Luke 9:23-24 Good News Translation

23 And he said to them all, “If you want to come with me, you must forget yourself, take up your cross every day, and follow me. 24 For if you want to save your own life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it.


Mom and Dad, Esther and Fred, had no plans to go to the “mission field.” They said, “There are enough heathen in the United States that we shouldn’t be needed overseas.” Dad’s Uncle I. H. Evans had been a missionary in China for many years. By the middle 1930s, he had returned to the U.S. and was the president of the North American Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Yet when the call came to my parents to go to China as missionaries, they accepted it. Before leaving they had to have medical check-ups, which they failed. They felt the Lord was indicating that He, too, wanted them to work in the U.S. Very shortly thereafter, however, they received a call to go to South Africa and were accepted on the same medical results with no problem.

In 1935, they sailed to Africa. They served in Africa for 40 years, and Mom died and is buried in the missionary graveyard at Solusi University in Zimbabwe. She died six weeks before their planned retirement back to the States. Dad came back unaccompanied, feeling very much alone. He visited a number of his single lady friends looking for another companion. Finally, he settled on Helen Merriam Diehm. He said to her, “Would you be willing to go to Africa with me for two years?”

“I take that as a marriage proposal!” She responded and agreed to go with him.

They settled at Lower Gwelo, a school in the center of Rhodesia that is now Lower Gweru Adventist High School, Zimbabwe. Dad became the treasurer of the school and Helen an English teacher. Helen was terrified. This was 1975 and the beginning of the civil war in that country. Reports came in daily of the deaths of people they knew. But they had agreed to go there for two years, and they stayed for two years. Other missionaries whom they knew were brutally murdered, but the Lord honored their commitment. At the end of two years, they returned to a comfortable retirement together in the U.S.

Thank You, Lord, for the promise that even if we lose our lives for Your sake, You will save them!



[1] Fred and Helen in Africa, 1976

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