Sunday, September 19, 2021

Aging Physically--Growing Spiritually

2 Corinthians 4:16

Good News Translation

16 For this reason we never become discouraged. Even though our physical being is gradually decaying, yet our spiritual being is renewed day after day.


Recently, Sylvia and I were walking along the crest of La Sierra Hills in front of our home. We met a woman coming towards us who stopped, and we exchanged pleasantries.

She told us she had started her hike down by La Sierra University. She had come up past the flag on Two Bit, the hill behind the university, and then down and back up along this ridge to Pumpkin Rock. Now she was headed home the same way, although she would probably bypass Two Bit. That is a distance of probably 10 miles with lots of altitude gain. I congratulated her on the accomplishment.

“I’m 56 and having to work to keep up my fitness. It’s good to see you still climbing up here.” She complimented us. She couldn’t help but see that we were older than she.

“We’ve been doing this for 35 years now. In four more months, I’ll be 80.” I commented.

“I hope I’ll be doing as well when I get there.” She said wistfully

Yes, I do believe that our continued activity is beneficial. However, our physical being is obviously decaying. We are supporting more and more doctors. It takes us longer to go where we want to go. I used to take the Poop Rock Trail up to the top of the ridge in 13 minutes. I did that for years. I timed myself on the trail recently, and it took me 29 minutes. That’s more than double the time, but at least I made it in good spirits.

By the grace of God, my spiritual being is being renewed day after day as I allow it to be.

Dear Lord, thank You for not giving up on me! Help me in my spiritual journey day by day.

(The picture shows Sylvia and me on a summit in La Sierra Hills last January.)




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