Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Those Who Are in Authority over Us




1 Timothy 2:1-2

Good News Translation

First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, requests, and thanksgivings be offered to God for all people; for kings and all others who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life with all reverence toward God and with proper conduct.


Right here in very tranquil western Riverside there have been over 50 shootings near us during the last several weeks. Of course, this is not totally true. Actually, the shootings have been on the freeway that runs near us. They have been with BB guns that have knocked out windows in passing white cars. And who knows how many shots were fired, that totally missed any vehicles or hit a vehicle but didn’t knock out a window? I assume that less than one percent of the shootings actually hit their targets! Therefore, there must be thousands of shots. And they have been on a twenty mile stretch of the highway. Last week they arrested someone whom they suspect of making one of the shots, and I haven’t heard about any more since then.

None of these have been in our quiet neighborhood. But one can only imagine that if nothing were done about it, this lawless vandalism would become common place. Furthermore, it would escalate until nothing would be safe. We would no longer be able to live a quiet and peaceful life.

Joe, a neighbor of mine, told me he wants to renounce his U. S. citizenship and be declared a North American citizen. This way, he thinks, he would not have to pay taxes but could live peacefully enjoying the benefits of being surrounded by citizens who are law abiding and are paying for his services and freedom. His would, of course, be one of the loudest critical voices decrying the deterioration of society when it happened. What we have seen coupled with legitimate protests recently would become the norm.

Dear God, please continue to support and guide those who preserve our peace.


[1] https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2017/01/shattered-rental-cars-go-sort-wild/

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