Thursday, May 25, 2017

I Haven't Done a Thing All Day

Jeremiah 31:14
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
My people shall be satisfied with my goodness,
                says the Lord.”

My wife, Sylvia, has an oft repeated lament. “I haven’t gotten a thing done today!” She was reared under the philosophy that, no matter how much good she accomplished, there was always room for improvement. As a child she remembers that when she brought home a good report card from school, or when she received a compliment for a beautiful musical performance her father would reply, “That’s good! But you still need to work on …” She remembers never receiving an unconditional statement of approval for anything she did.
Her parents had taken to heart the biblical and Spirit of Prophecy cautions about indulging oneself in pride. Gradually over the years a feeling of inferiority, a sense that nothing she ever did measured up to an unreachable standard, clouded her entire life.
She has earned a Masters degree in English and a TESOL certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages. Her perceptive linguistic aid has enabled many a foreign doctoral student to submit their dissertations in excellent English. She periodically receives acknowledgements from these grateful professionals.
She has fought a lifelong battle against chronic depression. Now she counsels many others with depression on how to overcome this debilitating disease. Many an hour she has spent on the phone encouraging and counseling this person or that who is on the verge of doing themselves harm.
She loves children, and they love her. Seeing their special needs, she has produced a CD of her own music that is directed towards giving a child grace for the day and courage to meet the night and the future. She often gets reports from grateful parents about how their child loves her CD and goes to sleep listening to it every night. Many have memorized all the words of her songs.
Lord, bless Sylvia and everyone else who is dissatisfied with their own lives and accomplishments with satisfaction in Your goodness that makes up for their sense of lack. Amen

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