Sunday, March 22, 2015

Bring Back Our Girls

Zechariah 4:10
King James Version (KJV)
10 For who hath despised the day of small things? 

On the night of April 14-15, 2014, as many as 200 armed men invaded a girls’ school in Chibok in north-eastern Nigeria. An estimated 276 senior high school aged girls were kidnapped. The extremist Islamic group called the Boko Haram claimed responsibility for it. Their aim is to destroy western education, especially that of women. They have been credited for having killed at least 4,000 people during the first three months of 2014. In Boko Haram’s announcement, they indicated that the girls would be sold as “wives,” in reality sex slaves, at the going rate of about $12 each. The Nigerian government initially denied that it had happened. Finally on May 4, once stories surfaced from parents of missing students and from students who managed to escape and it became known internationally, the government stated that it was doing everything it could to find the girls. However, no increased government presence had been felt in the area. The first I heard about this atrocity was a brief mention of it on a 5:30 a.m. news cast on May 6. This news was not felt important enough to be mentioned at the normal times that I listen. Almost a year has gone by now and hardly anyone even remembers the event. None of the girls have been rescued.
What was my response? I was very upset about it. Being the father of two daughters, I imagined how bad I would feel if one of those kidnapped were my daughter. What would I do? I sensed the totally helpless feeling a father must have to be up against such a force of evil. Looking at Google Earth, I saw a huge forest just to the north of the town. It would be really easy for these terrorists to disappear into that jungle. Going into that jungle alone would be suicide. Even if I could have raised a posse, we would be no match against the Boko Haram.

What can I do about this or other similar situations as I sit in southern California suburbia? Very little! If I write my congressman and my senator, what good would that do? Probably none! If every reader were to write our representatives in government and if all of our friends were to write and if all of their friends were to write against this renewal of the slave trade, then the combined pressure could possibly force action.

Lord, help us not to despise the day when all we can do is small things!


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