Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christian Icons

Matthew 5:16
King James Version (KJV)
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Coming home from early church I noticed a vehicle start out of a side road just as I approached. The driver of the bright red pickup braked just before he would have slammed into the side of my car. His face had impatience written all over it as he tail-gated me for three-quarters of a mile down the street with his bright lights on even though it was broad daylight.

When I reached Gramercy Place, I pulled over to the left and stopped at the stop sign. He shot around on the right side of me and, without even slowing down for the stop sign, turned the opposite direction. His lips were moving as he looked daggers at me.

Hanging up in the rear window of his pickup was a choir robe. I glanced at the clock in my car:  It read 9:31. Suddenly it all made sense. He was saying, “Get the h*** out of my way! Can’t you see I’m late to church?”

On occasion I have wondered about getting an “ixthus” fish and putting it on my car--or maybe a NOTW sign in the rear window. There are even tattoos of some of these symbols; (I have no desire to get a tattoo.) But then reality takes over. What if I were to cut somebody off on the road and had a symbol of Christ on my car? Wouldn’t I be hurting the concept of Christ or Christian in the other person’s mind?

Lord, may my actions not offend others but rather show Your good works so that they can glorify You.

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