Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Gossip by Superiors

Psalm 69:12
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
12 Rulers and judges gossip about me.

When I finished graduate school and earned a doctorate in mathematics, I had several openings where I could teach. We prayed earnestly over the choices and asked the Lord to indicate His will in our lives. He directed us to South Africa. The choice was appealing since I had grown up there and could speak both official languages; the choice also seemed the most rational to make. We spent four good years there. It seemed like we were helping students not only do mathematics but also establish a foundation for solid Christian living.

Eventually the time for a furlough arrived. Questions arose in our minds about what would be best for God’s work and for our family. Our children were of school age now. Sylvia felt that our simple country living in Africa without TV and other modern distractions would be a better place to rear the children. Besides that, we enjoyed our work in Africa, had excellent friends that we would hate to leave, and had no desire to radically change anything. We had committed our lives to work in Africa.

On the other hand, changes were coming to the college: science and math were being phased out because those students could take the science classes at a nearby school with well equipped labs and other facilities. Furthermore, there were elements in the board of the college that saw no use for science. The country was in the midst of double digit inflation, and everyday expenses had approximately doubled in four years. Faculty, however, had received no cost of living adjustments to their salaries. We were per force a one income family, and we were barely making ends meet.

Again we took these issues to the Lord and asked Him to direct us as to what our next employment should be. His direction was contrary to our chosen mission. He directed us to return to the United States, at least for the foreseeable future. When I communicated with the college president, he agreed with my explanations and encouraged me to pursue them.

The next day I got word from several of my friends that the president was circulating the report that we were money grubbers and were going elsewhere to get better wages. I was saddened by the misrepresentation, and I guess I wouldn’t remember it now if it didn’t really hurt at the time. I said nothing about how I had originally chosen to come there knowing I would be getting significantly less than my other job choices offered. If I were really money-grubbing, I would never have gone there in the first place.

Looking back, I can see God has abundantly blessed us over the last 35 years. I am still not rich as far as wealth goes, but I count myself rich in life experiences, in friends, the students we have influenced, and above all, in the marvelous grace of our loving Redeemer.

Thank You, Lord, for bringing to naught the gossip of those who speak out of ignorance or misconception.

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