Monday, October 27, 2014

A Most Impressive Miracle

Psalm 77:14
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
14 You are the God who performs miracles.

For several years now I have observed individuals, relatives, friends, who have been under the iron grip of chemical dependence. They strive to regain control of their lives. Sometimes they will be “clean” for days, weeks, months, and even years. Then suddenly they are sucked back into the unyielding, merciless clutches of their old habits.

Last month I was with four of these unfortunate souls. All four were in various stages of “detoxing.” For the first time in my life I attended an Al-Anon meeting. Everyone who attended is closely associated (spouse, parent, sibling, friend, etc) with an alcoholic and/or someone addicted to some habit forming substance. Person after person spoke about his or her experiences.

Out of the general atmosphere of resignation and despair, they spoke encouragement to each other. They recognized that their love must not be allowed to enable or empower someone to continue pursuing his or her habit. They freely recognized the desperate need of an external, supreme power to free the addict.

One evening, by invitation, I sat in on a counseling meeting with Pastor Mel[i] and the four addicts and some of the family. The pastor launched right into his own experiences. He grew up in Southern California where he was inducted into one of the many gangs and initiated into some hard drugs, besides alcohol and tobacco. To pay for his habit he had to become a drug distributor. After a short period of time he was racing all over the country supplying many people with the drug. He was also constantly on the run from law enforcement and fear of reprisals from rival gangs. Over time he watched as one after another of his friends and relatives were arrested or killed doing the same things he was doing. Of course, he was eventually caught and plea-bargained so that he was out of jail after some imprisonment. He confessed that he doesn’t understand why he is still alive, except by God’s direct intervention in his life.

With the power of the Lord, he was able to beat his habit and has stayed clean for over ten years. As he counseled these addicts, He stressed again and again how the Lord is ready and eager to give them the victory over their addictions, too. Mel's lifestyle change is indeed a most impressive miracle. 

Thank You, Lord, that Your miracle working power is just as effective today as in New Testament times. Help us by Your grace to avail ourselves of Your victory in our lives.

[i] Mel is a pseudonym.

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