Thursday, September 4, 2014

Is Anything Too Trivial for God?

Romans 8:32

The Voice (VOICE)

32 If He did not spare His own Son, but handed Him over on our account, then don’t you think that He will graciously give us all things with Him?

I was walking through a library book sale yesterday. To my delight I found three volumes of a six volume stamp catalog series that I have wanted to get. Instead of $120 each that is the price for new ones, these were older and only $1 each. I looked around to see if I could find the other three. With something like 10,000 books of all kinds on sale, I had no luck. So I purchased the three and took them out to the car.

Then with a prayer in my heart I decided I would have one more look. All of a sudden in a pile of books I had looked at several times before I discovered the missing volumes and a specialized catalog. I rejoiced and praised the Lord. I got the equivalent of $840 of catalogs for $7.

Several years ago we were driving through a part of Africa where crime was extremely prevalent, and it was getting close to nightfall. Naturally we prayed for a safe place to stay. We had just found out that there was a special conference going on in town, so all of the resorts and hotels were already full. We asked a clerk at a tire store if he knew where we might stay. “Wait a minute!” he replied and disappeared. He came back in five minutes and handed us a phone number. It was for a resort not two miles south of us that had a vacancy.

Is anything too trivial to bother God with?

Thank You, Lord, that You are just as interested in supplying a one dollar catalog as a life saving place to sleep.

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