Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Love Your Fellow Believer

1 Peter 3:8
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Now finally, all of you should be like-minded and sympathetic, should love believers, and be compassionate and humble.

Bob*, the Animal Control Officer in Lancaster, showed up at my door on a Sunday evening. He looked belligerently from me to Prince, my Black Labrador. “Your dog has been disturbing the peace!” He went on to describe how he was going to have to fine me and possibly dispose of the dog. He went on to describe how a man who lived a full city block away couldn’t sleep at night because the dog was barking.

I looked incredulously at him and suggested: “He lives a long ways away and there are lots of houses between his and mine. Are you sure it was my dog?” Bob attended the same church I did. He had a reputation of picking on fellow church members more than on others.

“Yes! He walked around the block about three o’clock in the morning and said that it was at this house that all the barking came from.” Bob was quite upset.

“When did this happen?” I asked.

“Last night.”

“Oh!” I said, relieved. “We just returned from a weekend in Athol, an hour’s drive from here. Prince was with us. So it must have been another dog!”

“I don’t believe you!” Bob was emphatic. “It was your dog alright.”

“You can ask the family,” I replied, “or you can contact the friends whose house we stayed in!”

“No, it was this dog. You’re lying!” Bob saw he was getting nowhere but absolutely refused to admit that he might have to look further. “I’ll get you!” he threatened over his shoulder as he stalked away.

Just before going to bed I looked across the street. Bob’s car was parked in a dark corner of the bank parking lot across the street. I chuckled as I thought of his staying the whole night in his car waiting in vain for Prince to start barking. He never spoke to me again.

Why, Lord, is it so hard to love our fellow believers? Please perfect that love in us.

*Bob is not his real name.

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