Friday, September 29, 2023

Victoria Falls Bridge


Psalm 143:8 Good News Translation

Remind me each morning of your constant love,
    for I put my trust in you.
My prayers go up to you;
    show me the way I should go.


We had long dreamed of taking our children back to Africa to touch base with their heritage. When I mentioned it to them, they all thought it was a marvelous idea. One of them couldn’t join us for several obvious reasons. Esther stayed home “with the baggage,” and so deserves equal shares with those who went “into battle.”[2] When I contacted my physician niece, Andi, about what inoculations we should get, she instantly yearned to join us, which she did.

Sylvia and I have often traveled to places and even taken an extra person along. When it’s far away, we get off a plane, rent a car, and drive until it’s time to sleep. We find a camping spot or motel and then drive on in the morning. Now with seven of us it was impossible to be so spontaneous. Furthermore, there were unpredictable problems, including more extensive crime than we were used to. We couldn’t just sack out anywhere and expect to find our car waiting for us in the morning.

We met on more than one occasion to discuss a desired itinerary. We settled on two definite goals: First, visit Helderberg College where my Dad and Mom had spent over 20 years and I was a child. All three of our kids had been there at least 4 years while they were very young. Second, travel to Solusi University which Dad had founded and where my Mom lies buried. The rest of the trip was devoted to sightseeing and experiencing the natural wonders of Africa.

Special thanks to our daughter, Julia, and our daughter-in-law, Uni, for tirelessly searching the web for the best accommodations and rentals. All of us have expressed an appreciation for a marvelous time reconnecting with our common heritage and experiencing some of nature’s African marvels. The success of our trip was not without a lot of prayer on many sides.

Thank you, Lord, for the chance to see and experience the love and sacrifice our family gave in Africa. Give us their spirit in our daily lives now.


[1] Our Group overlooking Victoria Falls Bridge: Wil, Sylvia, Uni, Fred, Andi, Julia, David

[2] 1 Samuel 30: 24.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Hand of God





Romans 15:13 Contemporary English Version

13 I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.


A couple weeks ago I was visiting Solusi University in Zimbabwe. Dad had gone there in 1954 to turn this mission station into a university to train local leaders to take over the work. Adventists in the country now number over a million members—a witness to the success of this endeavor. As I stood in the church Dad built, the Dean of Students, Dr Ndlovu, asked me preach for the Sabbath service there in two days.

I should have said no right then. As a professional mathematician, I can’t make a sermon with an otherwise full schedule in the next 36 hours. But I let him twist my arm. I decided to simply tell the story of Solusi as I remember it. So, between all my other engagements, I stole a few minutes here and there to jot down the history on my phone. I was twelve when we went to Solusi. So I remember much of that famous African Adventist mission from that time forward. I concluded my talk with the great hope of Christians everywhere: Jesus died to forgive us our sins and cleanse us form all unrighteousness. I felt inadequate, to say the least. Adding to the stress, electricity went out Friday night and caused me several extra sleepless hours.

At 5:12 Sabbath morning the alarm on my phone went off. I got up to shut it off before it woke my wife, Sylvia. But the alarm shut off by itself in my hand. Then I searched my phone—I found no evidence that any alarm had been set. After about 12 more minutes, I said to myself: There’s no way that I’ll go back to sleep now. Furthermore, I need to go through my sermon, which I haven’t had a chance to do yet. It must have been set by the hand of God. He must want me to think about the notes I have written.

The electricity was still off. So I went into our bathroom, closed the door, and spoke out loud the message I wanted to deliver later that morning. Of course, the phone had its own power. I rearranged things, deleted some and added others. I thanked the Lord profusely for giving me this time. When I stepped in front of the believers later, I did so with confidence and enthusiasm.

I count this experience as a real privilege to deliver a message in the church Dad built over 50 years ago.


Lord, thank You that we can follow in the footsteps of the pioneers who served you so sacrificially.


[1] Picture of me preaching in the Solusi Church that Dad built. ©Uni Clarke 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

God's Peace Under Stress



Isaiah 26:3 King James Version

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.


We were teaching at Ikizu Secondary School in Tanzania in the tenth year of national independence. The government was still feeling its way through political challenges, economic challenges, and undesirable colonial hangovers. Besides, much of recently independent Africa was suffering from political instability. Country after country suddenly had a violent coup de tat that destroyed the ruling government and replaced it by a power-hungry revolutionary. Recently Idi Amin, a Ugandan army general, had seized control of Uganda, while the current president was abroad at some meetings. He methodically killed anybody who was connected with the previous regime or might have leanings towards it. Over a million people died from his voracious anger and insecurity.

The Tanzanian government became very skittish. They viewed their own army as being suspect. Any alien was subject to a 24-hour expulsion from the country, if there was any suspicion that he or she might be critical of the government.

I was aware of this policy. I had taught for over four years not allowing myself to say anything critical or disrespectful of anything related to the government. I did my best to positively support all of their actions.

Peter was a student at Ikizu who was always critical of anything smacking of authority. He had circulated lies about the previous year’s principal, a well-respected Tanzanian who had since gone on and gotten elected as a member of parliament. In 1971, restless Peter decided to get me thrown out of the country with 24-hour notice. He started circulating lies about me. He accused me of defaming the flag and the government. He pushed these lies into every government committee that would give him ear.

The current principal called me in and informed me of what was happening. I realized that we were under the shadow of a 24-hour expulsion threat. Sylvia and I packed our important papers and a change of clothing into a little suitcase we could easily grab and walk out the door. The SDA Tanzanian headquarters also heard about it and offered to reassign me to a new mission post in a different country.

“Thank you!” I told them, “But I’m innocent of all of their charges. I feel no fear of physical attack. So, leave me here unless things get worse.”

We claimed the promise that God would keep us in perfect peace and rested on His promise. I confess that my mind was not 100% peaceful. But I did have full trust that God would look after us and went about my business as usual. In spite of Peter’s agitation, we finished the year in fine fettle. The next year we had a furlough, and I returned to the States to finish my graduate degree. I have always looked back on that experience with deep thanks to God for seeing us through.


Thank You, Lord, for preparing us for future trials and for your assurance that You will keep us in peace through those!



[1] Idi Amin.