Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Conformed Computer Transformed



Romans 12:2 New International Version

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Several months ago, Microsoft installed an unwelcome and unsolicited update on my laptop computer. The net effect was that it disabled my computer from showing pictures, etc., on my TV, or any other device. I tried to fix it. I spent hours trying to fix it. No luck.

There is not much that affects my spiritual or mental equilibrium like having my computer revolt against me. Then the other day my nephew suggested that he had had good luck by taking his computer in to a place called Human Computer. I saw John there, and after some hard work, he got my computer doing what I expected it to do.

Thinking about my experience, I realized that my computer is like my mind. Microsoft is like the devil who does his best to zap my mind. Finally, John symbolizes the Spirit of God that can renew my mind so that I can do what is good pleasing, and perfect in God’s eyes.

As long as I own a computer, Microsoft is determined to do some more tweaking to it. And as long as I live on earth, the devil is trying to tweak my mind to cause me frustration and get me to quit living according to God’s will. Praise the Lord, His Spirit is constantly available to place my mind back on track.

Please, Lord, keep us on the strait and narrow road that leads us away from perdition.


[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DA6CMsde2k