Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Days of Darkness and Mounting Frustration

Ecclesiastes 5:17-18
The Voice (VOICE)
17 So all our days we eat in darkness, with mounting frustration, suffering, and anger. 18 Then it dawned on me that this is good and proper: to eat and drink and find the good in all the toil that we undertake under the sun during the few days God has given, for this is our lot in life.
This past weekend the annual graduation at La Sierra University took place. I went down on Saturday morning and celebrated with the graduates from the Mathematics and Computer Science Department.

Before I retired, two years ago, I spent several weeks working with the department to arrange matters so an advisee would be able to finish her degree by this graduation. I had to get permission for her to substitute certain classes for required classes, etc. Everything worked out as we had planned, and she graduated precisely when she had planned to graduate. She came to me personally and thanked me for arranging everything. I congratulated her and replied, “You earned your degree. Now you have every right to celebrate!”

I started teaching mathematics in 1965 and taught until 2013. That’s 48 years of doing what I enjoyed, namely mathematics, and helping thousands of students to learn enough for their purposes in life. Many of them thanked me and told me how much they appreciated what I had done for them. Of course, there were some who hated mathematics and consequently hated me for teaching it.

The longer I have lived and labored, the more I respect Qoheleth, the author of Ecclesiastes,[ii] for his insight into the lot of humans on this earth. And I have enjoyed finding good in the daily toil in spite of the often mounting frustration and anger attached to some aspects of my chosen career.

Lord, thank You for lives You have been able to touch through my labors. Continue to use me to touch lives in my new circumstances.

[i] http://www.jeffhaanen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/king-solomon-and-the-queen-of-sheba.jpg?w=1024
  Ecclesiastes 1:1; a collector of sentences or a preacher

Monday, June 8, 2015

Is All Genetic Engineering Safe?

Luke 17:26
New International Version (NIV)
26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.

In Altering the Blueprint: The Ethics of Genetics, “Professor Alexander McCall Smith explores the startling, and occasionally unsettling, ethical choices that humans face now that medical technology has made it possible to guide the hand of creation with increasing levels of precision and purpose.”[i] This comes from a university level course Professor Smith teaches at the University of Edinburgh in the UK.

Humans are becoming extremely resourceful in how they can modify many of the species of plants and animals that we use for our lives. Many voices are calling for avoidance of using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food they eat; in the meantime giant corporations like Monsanto are trying to force the world’s farmer’s to grow only GMOs.

Even more difficult decisions are now facing us as we have the ability to breed human babies purely for “spare parts” for defective living humans. For decades in some parts of the world people have used the ability to predict the sex of their children to abort the fetus of the undesired sex. This is causing major social problems including human trafficking.

It seems that very shortly in the future we’ll be able to “enhance” our offspring by genetic engineering using the human genome. With sufficient money we may soon be able to increase the size, strength, intelligence, resistance to disease, and a host of other desirable qualities of our children. Taken to the logical end, this may mean we can produce a super-race who can tyrannize and enslave us. This dismal prospect has already been explored by some science fiction writers.

It may be that God destroyed the long-lived, super-intelligent antediluvians for extensive genetic experimentation. Christ’s prediction in our verse for today may just be trying to tell us that something like this will be an immediate precursor to His second return.

Lord, we pray with John the Revelator, “Even so come Lord Jesus!”[iii]

[i] A review of the university course taught by McCall-Smith are at http://www.amazon.com/Altering-Blueprint-Ethics-Genetics-University-Level/dp/076075019X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1433767308&sr=1-1&keywords=mccall-smith+altering+the+blueprint
[ii] http://www.theothersideoffood.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/gmos.jpg
[iii] Revelation 22:20 KJV